
Trucker A**

I have been in front of the computer for 2 weeks straight.  Between the lookbook, blog, website and Etsy the level of physical inactivity is disturbing.  Somehow, I feel unproductive.  Just because I didn't interact with patterns (which are looming) or people doesn't mean I'm a loser.  I was totally laying groundwork.  Anyhow, I did get out and do some interesting things.

I watched Project Runway with a filmmaker friend who wants to feature fashion in her upcoming movie, including Wound.  The premise of the movie is great and her excitement about it is magnetic.  She totally gets things done, so it's a no-brainer to be on the project.

Did a shoot with Nicola in a classic car showroom and storage space.  Not your typical auto repair calendar shots!  The positions she prompted me to hold caused my heart to race.   Seriously twisted.  I was relying on yoga memories of breathing to not crumble and ruin the shoot.    The photo below is of a shot we did 2 years ago...that's my head in the window!