(say that 3x's fast)
We do have a really good Plan B for this kind of thing...
The shoot was broke into three components: Staged, Catalogue, and Document. I will not be offering everything from the runway. I am proud of the work, though and want a loving keepsake of it;) Through artistic rendering of the looks, I hope to make the line a compelling buy for the retailer. Establishing relationships with the buyers is as much convincing them that you're work is great and needs to be supported/bought and sold. On the other hand, I have to assure them that I can produce results, in multiple with accuracy.
We did three scenes for Staged shots, shuttling the boys to a plainer background for product or Catalogue shots of the pieces I did intend to make. More close-ups, more details. I hope there is a good one of the blazer pocket!!! The bulk of the collection was just shot for the archives.
I like working with the photographers vision. Nicola has a definite style that works for my market. It's artful, staged, awkward, tense, intelligent. As a person, she is very organized and go-getting. So, I stand around a little bored when working with someone good! The same was true when working with Rich. I'm there to make sure the clothes are in the right combinations and look tight on the bodies, they do the rest. Both are very good directors and composed the subjects confidently to get their shot. Collaborating with another can be rewarding, if you like their work and value their opinion and know how to let the other do their thang.
Thanks to Nicola, Dominique, Julian and Jeffrey. Peter and Hernan too, they just can't know about it yet!